When you do not feel as knowledgeable about automobile mechanics as you would like, perhaps you are similar to me in that you are wary of going to automobile repair shops and turning your vehicle over to them. Well, those days are behind me now when I am in the area of Denton. About five years ago, I began patronizing Pioneer Automotive on Teasley Ln. After about the second visit, I began to relax and not be so uptight about the experience. The actual repairs on my vehicle were part of the reason my tension disappeared, but the main reason was the customer service demonstrated when I walked through the door. Drew and all the associates/mechanics at the garage obviously are schooled in what is desired by the company as they relate to the public. I totally trust their evaluation of my vehicle's needs and their honesty in reporting it to me. My daughter and son-in-law are clients of their's also, and it is for the same reasons. This may sound like a compensated recommendation, but I assure you it is not.